I plan to flip my class this year. I've learned so much from FlipCon13 and the graduate course at Hamline University. As part of the final project of the course, I need to commit to take action to flip my course. Below is a prezi with my plans organized by the F.L.I.P. pillars.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
What led me to flip my class: reflections on learning culture
Socratic method |
What kind of learning culture do I currently have in my classroom? What type of decisions do I make to support this culture?I struggled all year to meet the needs of a student in my class. (This student will be named "Sue" and I'll modify the true story a bit here.) Sue had successes throughout the year but her struggles were more salient. One of Sue's parents argued on multiple occasions that Sue did not have ample opportunities to speak in class and that I called on other students more often. I accepted the criticism (or at least acknowledged that it was possible) after the first time, but was perplexed when this criticism continued into the third quarter. Not only was I more aware of Sue's participation, I prided myself on using the Socratic method of questioning (in retrospect, should be renamed "lecture 2.0") and other engagement strategies like wait-time, turn & talk, and letting students pick on other students to answer questions during direct instruction. All students spoke in my class in every single lesson; therefore, (I thought) I had an "engaging and dynamic" class. But the scientist in me sought data to determine if this was a valid criticism. I started to keep track of student participation during direct instruction days. I was happy to see that Sue spoke as often as the other students; however, the bombshell was she only spoke one-two times per lesson. Even though there was a democracy of voices, the maximum number of times a student could speak during my "engaging and dynamic" lectures was about three times. Just as Socrates is imagined above, I was at the center of the class. I thought of the questions; I asked the questions; I answered the questions. This revelation was the final proverbial straw. I knew it was time to flip my class.
Don't get me wrong, there were tons of engaging activities in my class. I was committed to doing a lab every week and inquiry was becoming a larger role in my course. The course culminated in a student-designed project presented at our annual Science Night. In fact, it was obvious that each student spoke frequently during non-direct instruction days. I wanted a way to deliver direct instruction (sometimes, it actually needs to happen) but have students engaged everyday. Flipping the class meant students getting direct instruction through video outside of class, while creating even more time for students to engage in inquiry, collect and analyze data, and ask questions.
Before the flip:
My learning culture was teacher-centered. Even though I had elements of a student-centered class, I was at the heart of everything. I made decisions that supported this teacher-centered classroom. Even during lab days, I decided the questions to test, the lab procedures (most of the time), the data to collect, how to display the data, how many days to spend working, how students demonstrate understanding, etc.
After the flip:
Over spring break, I created the videos and other activities to flip my class in the fourth quarter. The difference in the class was immediate. The first change was of course the additional class time. With that new class time, I tried a few things.
- I created Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) activities. In POGIL activities, students study and explore models. Guided questions force students to go through the inquiry cycle to uncover important concepts. The combination of the video lectures and POGIL lessons replaced the pre-flipping direct instruction. The POGILs mimicked the Socratic method by helping students think through and understand the content. This reinforced the student-centered dynamic because students did the work to uncover reality, instead of me doing the work for them. In addition, POGIL groups require specific group member tasks (task manager, recorder, spokesperson, etc), which ensured all students participated.
- I decided to increase the amount of time donated to inquiry labs. In previous years, I had two versions of each lab: cookie cutter and student designed. If I had enough time, I would opt for the student designed labs but many times was forced to use the cookie cutter lab. After the flip, I gave students as much time as they needed to design their experiment, get feedback and make multiple revisions. They also decided what data to collect and how to display this data.
- The most important decision I made to support a student-centered class was to let go. Since all of the videos and activities were posted on the course website, some students wanted permission to go ahead. After the first student went ahead, everything changed! Instantly, we moved from a traditional flip to a mastery flip. Students worked at their own pace. Some kids re-watched videos and asked for individual help at the board, while other students blazed ahead. I also let go of the assignment sheet. As a temporary stopgap, I created a spreadsheet with each student's name and towards the end of each period, I checked their progress and recorded what assignment, if any, each student had for homework. This was an ineffective process that will be reworked next year, but this method put each student in the center of the class. Kids controlled their pace and I was available to give students what they needed. I asked students to redo work as often as I thought necessary. Some kids I let go on to the next activity even if their work wasn't perfect and other kids had to submit flawless work before moving on. I rarely entered grades anymore (our middle school does not report grades.) I just entered checks because each check represented good enough work for each individual student.
Although this blog article sounds like a piece on the flexibility pillar of F.L.I.P. learning, it is a testament to the fact that student-centered learning cultures require flexible classes. This is true because students are individuals with different skills and deficiencies; a class centered on all students needs to be flexible enough to accommodate all of their differences.
Works Cited
Works Cited
- "6 Types of Socratic Questions." 6 Types of Socratic Questions. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 June 2013.
- "Inquiry-based Learning: Explanation." Inquiry-based Learning: Explanation. Thirteen.org, 2004. Web. 26 June 2013.
- Nagel, David. "Report: The 4 Pillars of the Flipped Classroom." T|h|e Journal: Teaching with Technology News. T|h|e Journal, 18 June 2013. Web. 26 June 2013.
- "Pogil - Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning." POGIL. N.p., 2012. Web. 26 June 2013.
- "Un-cooking the Lab - A Guide to Constructing Inquiry-based Labs in Biology" The Wisconsin Program for Scientific Teaching. N.p., 2005. Web. 25 June 2013.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Climbing Pyramid Bloom's with the FLIP Pillars: Creating
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CC Image courtesy of New Blooms Pyramid by Andrea Hernandez on Flickr |
My final blog post of the "Climbing Pyramid Bloom's with the FLIP Pillars" series will culminate with the "creating" level. After evaluating the FLIP pillars in my last post, I thought a helpful challenge would be to create my own pillars but keep the F.L.I.P. acronym. Below is my attempt as a novice "flipper."
Freedom - when I flipped part of my class, I felt instant freedom. By offloading direct instruction, I was free to do all of the things I value in a science class: inquiry, problem-based learning, interdisciplinary projects, reflection and mastery. Flipping frees up class time, allows for the freedom to shift to student centered instruction and will gives the freedom to make future unforeseen changes.
Leveraging technology - this flipped class movement stemmed from a significant advance in technology. The ability to record and share video lessons can be seen as a prerequisite and an important entry point to the flipped classroom. (Although one could theoretically “flip” without the video.) Screencasting videos, randomized testing features of learning management systems and collaborative documents are important technologies of the flipped classroom.
Independent & individualized learning - a flipped teacher values the individual student. The flipped class can allow for student “voice and choice.” Whether students pause and rewind videos from their mobile devices on the bus in the morning or from their home computers at night, content is always available. Students can demonstrate their learning through projects geared to their learning style. Whatever the case, the individual student is at the heart of this paradigm.
Personal relationships - the instant switch that occurred after flipping was that I spent a lot more time with each individual student. Flipping the class can lead to stronger personal relationships with students because there is more time for one on one interactions.
Climbing Pyramid Bloom's with the FLIP Pillars: Evaluating
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CC Image courtesy of New Blooms Pyramid by Andrea Hernandez on Flickr |
For my penultimate blog post in the “Climbing Pyramid Blooms” series, I will attempt to evaluate the FLIP Pillars by ranking them in order of importance to me.
4th place: Learning Culture - to clarify in a seemingly hypocritical way, I think the learning culture has the most potential to transform education. However, it is possible to have a flipped classroom and a satisfactory education even in a teacher centered classroom (I know - blasphemy!) In fact, according to Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams, first versions of the flipped classroom WERE teacher centered. And yet, It was an improved version of the traditional “sit and get” models. For my purposes, I’ve ranked learning culture as the least important, for now, because it is not an urgent change. Eventually, my plan is to create a student-centered (and maybe even student-directed) classroom. But I repeat, changing the learning culture, while not urgent, has the greatest potential of all of the pillars.
3rd place: Flexibility - my thoughts about flexibility mirror those of learning culture. I see flexibility and learning culture as intimately intertwined, more so than the other two pillars. They both hold the greatest potential to individualize learning. However, a flipped class can exist with a minor amount of flexibility.
2nd place: Intentional Content - when Jon and Aaron began to flip their class, it came out of their ability to film and share lectures. I’ve heard experienced “flippers” say that “it’s not about the videos.” I suspect I will say the same as I gain more experience. However, for a “baby flipper” it IS all about the videos; especially considering that I don’t really know how to make videos. I’ve made 5 or 6 videos on my iPad using Explain Everything but I would like to make future videos using Camtasia. So for me, figuring out which content to put into videos, and how to do it, is the key. The video lesson is the entry point to this world of flipping. I plan to make my first quarter videos during the summer to give me some wiggle room as I create more videos and delve into creating flexible assessments and shifting to a student-centered learning culture. I’ve wanted to do more problem solving, case studies, projects and inquiry but the direct instruction took up a major chunk of time. Creating the videos will open that time for the real goodies!
1st Place: Professional Educator - it might be a cliché that a teacher ought to be a lifelong learner but it is true! I would venture to argue that the professional educator should not a one of the four pillars but should be the base at the bottom of our flipped paradigm. Considering that education has traditionally been teacher centered, rigid and content-driven, there is a lot of learning for us to do. In a world with our educational history, the other three pillars can not stand without having a base in teacher education and professional development. I learned of the flipped classroom from a colleague. I became aware of FlipCon13 from a blog, learned Camtasia from FlipCon13 and became aware of the graduate course from an email sent to those registered for FlipCon13. Improvements in my class will stem from my Personal Learning Network and future studies.
Climbing Pyramid Bloom's with the FLIP Pillars: Analyzing
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CC Image courtesy of New Blooms Pyramid by Andrea Hernandez on Flickr |
For the "analyzing" demonstration of the Flip Pillars, I created a concept map showing connections between the four pillars. Inside the concept map, I included an image that I thought represented the essence of each pillar. Below the concept map, I described additional connections. I think these are appropriate ways to demonstrate "analysis" because this level of learning includes making connections between concepts.
Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.
Additional Connections between the Four FLIP Pillars
- Between F & L: flexible space, pedagogy and assessment transform the learning culture and make student centered learning possible. A student centered culture requires a flexible teacher. The teacher has to let go some of the control.
- Between F & I: flexibility should not be confused with complete lack of control and lack of planning. Instead, the strategy of flexibility is an intentional choice to allow students to learn in their own way and to demonstrate learning in their own way. All students are held accountable. Even if students are given choices, all of the choices are approved by teachers; in fact, most are deliberately designed and catered to different learning styles, and intentionally address different levels of Blooms taxonomy. Since teachers are intentional in their content, they have the freedom to allow for flexibility. If you can set up learning opportunities to ensure specific standards are met, why not let students acquire and demonstrate learning in their own way?
- Between F & P: flexibility has to be learned and developed. It's important to reach out to others who are doing similar things so that the skill can be enhanced. A professional educator seeks to enhance ways to improve their space, pedagogy and assessments.
- Between L & I: a learning culture in which the student is the center can only be successful if there are intentional decisions made about content. In other words, the integrity of the course must remain. Students must be held to certain standards.The difference in the flipped classroom is that the students meet standards by owning their learning, instead of being force fed.
- Between L & P: teachers need to learn more about developing more student-centered classes. Since education has been teacher centered for so long, most of us will need to learn (or unlearn) certain habits of mind.
- Between I & P: even though "it's not about the videos," there are certain characteristics of successful videos. As someone new to video production, teachers ought to spend the time learning how to make effective videos and other learning objects.
Climbing Pyramid Bloom's with the FLIP Pillars: Applying
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CC Image courtesy of New Blooms Pyramid by Andrea Hernandez on Flickr |
For the "applying" learning demonstration of the FLIP pillars, I submit my daily reflections organized by the pillars. In the "understanding" demonstration, I submitted my notes organized the FLIP pillars. My original thoughts about the presentations and notes are a good way to apply my learning of the content and the FLIP pillars.
Reflections organized by the 4 pillars
(both conference days combined)
- Day 1: I learned from the Flip or Flop - Moodle and the mastery classroom session that I can leverage technology to differentiate. If students get to work at their own pace and are allowed to take multiple assessments, then test/quiz integrity can be ruined. I can’t allow students to see tests and quizzes before others. The test bank, random question feature and calculated question types in Moodle allow students to complete assessments before classmates and let students have multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery.
- Day 2: Serendipitously, I experienced something during the Embracing failure - Flipped project based learning session that convinced me that I needed to adopt some type of mastery model. My group had a wonderful discussion about the task, which might have taken longer than other groups. In addition, we had some technical difficulties. As time was running out and the anxiety levels rose, we stopped working as a group and relied on an individual to solve the problem. We became "free riders" as outlined in a paper (Börjesson, Hamidian, Kubilinskas, et al) I read about group work. It was frustrating - we did not want to be free riders. Had we been allotted more time and continued our process, we would have produced a far superior product. Eureka! When I rush my kids through assignments, I rob them of meeting their potential and inadvertently create free riders. Moving direct instruction out of the class will help with creating more time but a mastery model will encourage students to meet or approach their potential.
- Day 1: The student ought to be at the center of the class and the concentration should be on learning, and not teaching. I’ve always cringed when I heard teachers say “I’ve taught that.” I would argue that teaching implies learning, as John Dewey argued. So if kids did not learn something, then we did not teach them. We might have covered something or said something but we did not teach something. We may have taught something to a few students. The trick is finding out what works for each student so that we can teach them all.
- Day 2: Student “voice and choice” are important to me. It’s unfair to expect all students to learn in the same way and to demonstrate learning in the same way. Equity is not about everything being the same, rather equity is about giving each student what they need. When I think of the learning culture I want to develop, the folks at James H. Bean Elementary School describe in their promotional video exactly how I feel.
- With that being said, I need a way to make sure all options are equally rigorous. I don’t have that figured out yet but it is an important issue to tackle. In order for this model to work, I need to be willing to let go of some control. There is a psychological element to the success of this model.
- Day 1: Intentional withholding of content can be a powerful motivator. Our brains crave resolution, which is why cliffhangers are frustrating but entertaining. As @mrsebiology contended in a recent blog post, I need to create a “need to know rather than a nice to know" before letting students watch my videos. I’m wrestling with either an “Explore-Flip-Apply” or problem-based model. Ramsey has criticized the mastery model because it could encourage students to “plow through” the content without engaging in the process of inquiry. My brain is trying to resolve the conflict between allowing students to work at their own pace in the mastery model, while engaging students in learning cycles. So far, I’m envisioning a blend of approaches: Mastery Learning Cycles (best name I’ve come up with so far.) Why not create learning cycles in the “Explore-Flip-Apply” mode but insert a mastery check after/during apply phase and let kids work through these cycles at their own pace? I think I’m onto something!
- Day 2: Flipping the class is not the magic bullet. It is the vehicle that will allow me to make problem-based learning, inquiry, case studies, projects, differentiation and mastery a greater part of my classroom. All of the things that teachers wish they can do but can’t (because class time is dominated by direct instruction) are now possible.
- Day 1: It was great meeting fellow flippers at the Spotlight on Science session. I exchanged emails addresses, twitter handles and got some neat resources and ideas. I even met a teacher who volunteered to help one of my colleagues who will teach Anatomy & Physiology for the first time next year. How have I managed to grow without having a strong PLN?
- Day 2: I need to develop a Personal Learning Network to learn more and to connect with others. Twitter, the Ning, blogs and Youtube playlists are great ways to learn more about flipped classrooms.
Works cited
Day 1:
- "Moodle 2: Activities & Resources: Quiz Question Types." LSU GROK, 7 May 2013. Web. 24 June 2013. <http://moodle2.grok.lsu.edu/Article.aspx?articleId=16626>.
- Kapunan, S. C. (1975), Teaching Implies Learning. Educational Theory, 25: 362–378. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-5446.1975.tb00700.x
- Engelbrecht, Terie. "PBL in the Math & Science Classrooms." Web log post. Crazy Teaching. N.p., 2 June 2012. Web. 21 June 2013.
- Sams, Aaron. "The Flipped Class: Shedding Light on the Confusion, Critique, and Hype." Thedailyriff.com. The Daily Riff, 11 Nov. 2011. Web. 21 June 2013.
- Musallam, Ramsey." CUE13 - Ramsey Musallam - Explore-Flip-Apply: Empowering the Learning." Online video clip. Cueinc YouTube, 26, Apr. 2013. Web. 22, Jun. 2013.
Day 2:
- Free-riding in Group Work - Mechanisms and Countermeasures In Journal of Management (2006) by Per O. Börjesson, Ali Hamidian, Eligijus Kubilinskas, et al.
- "At their own pace: Student voice and choice." Online video clip. MaineDOEComm. YouTube, 21, Jun. 2012. Web. 22, Jun. 2013.
- "Resources for Growing Your Professional Learning Network." Edutopia. N.p., 3 June 2011. Web. 21 June 2013.
- Murray, Tom. "Personal Learning Networks: Advice from the Trenches." Web log post. SmartBlog on Education. N.p., 23 May 2013. Web. 20 June 2013.
- Kamentez, Anya. "8 Ways to Build Your Personal Learning Network with Twitter, Google Plus, and More." Web log post. Fast Company. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 June 2013.
Climbing Pyramid Bloom's with the FLIP Pillars: Understanding
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CC Image courtesy of New Blooms Pyramid by Andrea Hernandez on Flickr |
Below are my session notes. I deleted images since they are copyrighted. I've highlighted my thoughts and questions wherever possible.
Tuesday, June 18
9 am
Session Title
| ||||
| |||||
Flexible Environment
(Pedagogy, Assessment, Space)
| ||||
Learning Culture
Transfer ownership of learning from teacher to kids, let go of control (need a high threshold for change, # to a counselor?!)
Change conversation about what should happen
Standard based grading....learning objectives with rubrics (even with exams). Focus on meeting objectives rather than grades (are teachers trained to use SBG?)
Teacher becomes the Curator and filters the content
| ||||
Intentional Content
Move to Learning Objects -
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Professional Educator
Session Title
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Flexible Environment
(Pedagogy, Assessment, Space)
Students can finish the course early - provide extension opportunities
Even let kids work on other courses if demonstrated mastery
Moodle - LMS perfect for mastery
Learning Culture
Mastery stems from Bloom and Keller research
Chris’s model (better to be standards based but live in a grade world)
1. Moodle Quiz then mastery check (paper and pen--2 to 5 questions)
2. Exams
Shift in focus--need to set a Mastery benchmark. what score? 80? 85? Could depend on the Expectations of your community
Need to communicate expectations: Mastery checklist -
Intentional Content
Assignments only 3-10 questions, just factual info, post keys,
Professional Educator
Session Title
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| |
Flexible Environment
(Pedagogy, Assessment, Space)
Cartoon from Ellen’s ppt sums up rationale for student choice (Hilarious but so true, this is standardized testing!)
Learning Culture
Choice allows for shifting of teacher at center and puts child in the center--based on student skills and interests
Kids are more motivated
Intentional Content
set up choices in deliberate way to ensure certain tasks/skills are
mastered especially with tic-tac-toe board: eg, every task in top row
can be a verbal or writing component. Just set up rules to allow for
controlled choices. (three choices for tic tac toe seems like a lot. how many ways do we need students to demonstrate learning?)
* Ellen’s model: Beginning of class is a modified do now, then complete flipped hw, then work on project.
Professional Educator
In preparation for Back to School Night: Have parents complete a flipped lesson, give feedback and answer questions.
Session Title
| |
| |
Flexible Environment
(Pedagogy, Assessment, Space)
Video decisions - others? Yours? Choices? Mandatory?
Learning Culture
Teacher No longer the king of the jungle, Let go of control ( similar to a blog post by Terie Engelbrecht about making it less about me and more about students.
Shift kids in class from listening to doing
Role of videos:
-Do not reteach, only clarify/answer qs
-Student Questions about videos in email, blog, form, etc
- Creative chaos
-Video - exposure While Class - practice
-Issues with watching - DVDs, library, before or after school, etc
Intentional Content
Copying hw happens - do you want copying lower level or high level
Professional Educator
Flip Chat on Mondays! twitter #flipclass or #flipsci. (Time?)
Plc and pln
Multiple year flip
Communicate - parent night flier, video
Explain the why
to opposite argument) - this blog post argues the opposite, telling
folks makes your course stand out and people are resistant to change. if
kids don’t succeed, it’s because of the flip- so don’t make a bog deal
about it. ---Not sure what I think.
Wednesday, June 19
8:30 am
Session Title
Spotlight on science
Chelsea Campbell and Sharon Geyer
Flexible Environment
(Pedagogy, Assessment, Space)
Sexy interface and free!!!
Quick reflection appears to be a pretty version of moodle
Could be useful - won’t have to worry about taking my course with me if I leave my current school
*Erin- teaches in CT, has flipped for a few years with another
colleague. Her model is a blend of mastery and traditional flip. Her
units have a deadline but students are self paced within the unit
(I’ve tried this with some success but I wonder if I forced the slower
kids to go too fast. maybe accept that not all kids will go through the
entire curriculum)
Learning Culture
* Erin - uses learning stations with student unit folders. Exchanged contact info. Need to see samples.
*Dan - uses EFA (Explore-Flip-Apply) Exchanged contact info
“Grades should measure learning.” Quote of the day!!!!
Intentional Content
*April - uses Problem Based Learning - she revised case studies from U. Buff site and removes some content to transform into a problem.
Professional Educator
9:45 am
Session Title
| |
Flexible Environment
(Pedagogy, Assessment, Space)
Allowed kids to come up with own project as an option. (hard to know if their choice is a good one.)
Learning Culture
Highly engaging projects -
Moved away from the textbook. Easier to do because the stats course was an elective - states standards to worry about.
Intentional Content
group had some technical difficulties and didn’t finish the frisbee
project on time. Had a teachable moment: Be careful about setting time
restrictions. When in time crunch, groups tend to rely on one person -
that’s what we did!
Scratch project- kids figured out how to use.
Professional Educator
Took Andy’s card. Will pick his brain about projects.
11:00 am
Session Title
| |
| |
Flexible Environment
(Pedagogy, Assessment, Space)
Students have different intrinsic motivation/focus - need to provide a hook for all students
Learning Culture
Explore-Flip-Apply -
Explore - hands on, hook, generate need to know = “I need some tools”
Flip - video with lower bloom’s content = “Here are the tools”
Apply - HOT task, applications = “Use the tools”
Analogous to a
Walk around Blooms -
Intentional Content
Cognitive load theory - but what about unmotivated, unfocused kids?
Need a hook to bring attention to and motivate
Create dissonance, let students struggle
Intentional withholding of info - create a “need to know” during explore phase
Professional Educator
Be open to criticism
Anonymous surveys - google form
1:15 pm
Session Title
Explore Flip Apply in Social Studies (Even though I’m a science teacher, I attended because I wanted to hear more about EFA)
| |
Flexible Environment
(Pedagogy, Assessment, Space)
Could assign project but have some choice within the model
Students can skip “flip” part if ready for application
Also possible to flip without videos
Learning Culture
Ramsey shared link to video hooks for explore phase
(I shared during session that I can make a hook but how do I do it in a
way in which students actually need and want my/a video without
contriving the situation?)
Students at the center of George’s class - debate & role play
Intentional Content
The flip video = just in time teaching, intentionally withheld info
Students can skip “flip” part if ready for application
Professional Educator
George found Ramsey online and asked about the EFA method
2:30 pm
Session Title
| |
Flexible Environment
(Pedagogy, Assessment, Space)
Optional assignments, alternative assignments, indiv. pacing
Kids like flipped mastery because they don't have to stop everyone's lesson in order to ask a question.
Own unit pace but set test dates
Space redesign (jealous - love them
Learning Culture
21st century skills - communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking
Comfy learning spaces (jealous!!)
Asking questions - better connected
Gave up control to kids
Own unit pace but set test dates
Student started to abuse quiz retakes but then set 2 quiz limit then alternative assessment
Intentional Content
Learning opportunities
Professional Educator
Plan, do, study and act as a reflective practice
Why do I have unsuccessful students? Look at data. Item analysis, what am I doing
Ning, twitter, PLC, PLN, seek help of instructional coach, was connected to Bennett who also struggled flipping during same time
Apply for learning grant
Invited admin into discussions
epitomizes professional educator, what a role model
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